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Title: Determination of Aquifer Parameters Using Array and Regression Analysis - 2nd Edition
Author: Michael Kasenow, PHD
Specifications: Softbound, 138 pp, Plus Software

ISBN-13: 978-1-887201-16-2
ISBN-10: 1-887201-16-5

Price: US $68
Cat No: STP



Pump test evaluation is tedious and subjective when completed by hand. The author of this 2nd edition also provide both theory and application for the solution of pump test data using the Cooper-Jacob method along with array and regression analysis. Linear regression analysis offers the advantage of removing subjective interpretation. Array analysis offers the convenience of regression analysis, but with a visual inspection of the solution process. Array analysis has been coupled with regression analysis in the computer program included with this monograph. Both time-drawdown and distance drawdown solutions are offered. Methods using algebra and statistics can be confirmed without the need of constructing a graph. This is a major advantage when compared to graphic analysis. So is the speed at which the solutions are processed using the computer program. When using the time-drawdown solution the user selects an error tolerance that automatically removes "bad" data points. This is unlike other programs that utilize regression analysis -- the "black-box" solution is eliminated, because array analysis allows the user to see the solution process! In addition, an extensive output is provided which includes the limit of the cone of depression and the drawdown in the pumping well at 100% well efficiency. The program is easy to use and has been extensively tested by competent hydrogeology students and engineers.

This Computer Program:

Here's what professional ground-water scientists are saying about Dr. Kasenow's research:

"He possesses a wonderfully articulate yet pragmatic method of conveying his thoughts, intuitions and application of theory. His work stands the test of time." --- Walter J. Bolt, Senior Project Manager, PM Environmental, Inc.

"Dr. Kasenow has shown both his creativity and drive to build on, rather than simply follow techniques developed by others. His books present relatively complex concepts in easy to understand graphic form without oversimplification." --- Dana R. Unangst, Project Manager, Insight Environmental Services, Inc.

"It is refreshing to see someone looking at alternatives to complicated and sometimes subjective curve matching techniques." --- Scott R. Green, Senior Hydrogeologist, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates.

"As President of a consulting firm, I am always concerned with balancing costs and providing clients with complete and thorough data evaluations. Dr. Kasenow's practical application techniques have allowed my firm to complete thorough data evaluations at lower costs. Once one uses Dr. Kasenow's data evaluation programs, you are left with the feeling of 'why did I waste my time with other programs?" --- Mark. B. Sweatman, CPG, President, Insight Environmental Services, Inc.

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