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Successfully Used as a Textbook by major universities and an
Excellent Consulting Reference manual

Title: Applied Ground-Water Hydrology and Well Hydraulics ~ 3rd Ed. plus AquiferTest for Windows* computer program and manual
Author: Michael Kasenow, PHD

Specifications: Soft Cover, 820 pp
ISBN -13: 978-1-887201-62-9
ISBN - 10: 1-887201-62-9

Price: US $135
Cat No: AGWHH2

Supplemental Material:
Ground-Water Hydrology and Well Hydraulics SOLUTION MANUAL --> $55

(Previously Published:
ISBN-13: 978-1-887201-28-5
ISBN-10: 1-887201-28-9)

OrderFor International Orders: This large book ships for $50.00 Priority Mail not guaranteed. Global Express guaranteed ships for $76.00.


This third edition of Dr. Kasenow's highly acclaimed first edition provides review and application in regard to the mechanics of ground-water flow and aquifer analysis. Using common language and carefully constructed illustrations, this book has been written for those of us who think visually. The mathematics have been enhanced and thoroughly demonstrated through the use of many solved example problems that do not skip essential steps in the solution process. Chapters in the first half of the book emphasize ground-water hydrology. The second half of the book details aquifer analysis, a subject extremely important to almost every aspect of the ground-water industry. This book also includes and expands upon ground-water flow problems, fractured rock and karst aquifers, double porosity, flow nets, recharge and discharge functions of aquifers, step-drawdown tests, production well analysis, the storage coefficient, regression analysis, transmissive properties of aquifers, well field analysis, and much more. Almost all of the chapters have been expanded to include more detail, illustrations and solved problems.

The AquifetTest for Windows Computer Program (Student Version) from Waterloo Hydrogeologic Inc., comes with the text.

This edition has been expanded to detail the reality of ground-water flow, recharge and discharge functions of aquifers, pumping test basics, and coastal and island aquifers, it:

--> shows how the Theis Solution can be solved simply and without the curve.
--> provides a chapter on the theory and utility of the storage coefficient.
--> introduces an equation that solves for well interference drawdown in unconfined aquifers.
--> provides new methods in regard to step-drawdown tests, the utility of coefficients B and C, and the well performance equations.
--> shows how Darcy's Law, the Theis Equation and the Cooper-Jacob solution can be used to predict aquifer performance over time and distance.
--> provides a chapter on steady-flow problems.
--> shows how capture zone problems can be solved.
--> provides regression analysis as a solution process.
--> demonstrates how the storage coefficient can be obtained using recovery solutions.
--> provides chapters on production well performance.
--> provides a chapter on cost effective methods, including grain-size analysis and slug-and-bail down approximations.
--> completes the learning process with a chapter on well field analysis. ISBN Number 1-887201-28-9. Publ. 2001, WRP


"He possesses a wonderfully articulate yet pragmatic method of conveying his thoughts, intuitions and application of theory. His work stands the test of time." --- Walter J. Bolt, Senior Project Manager, PM Environmental, Inc.

"Dr. Kasenow has shown both his creativity and drive to build on, rather than simply follow techniques developed by others. His books present relatively complex concepts in easy to understand graphic form without oversimplification." --- Dana R. Unangst, Project Manager, Insight Environmental Services, Inc.

"It is refreshing to see someone looking at alternatives to complicated and sometimes subjective curve matching techniques." --- Scott R. Green, Senior Hydrogeologist, Conestoga-Rovers & Associates.

"As President of a consulting firm, I am always concerned with balancing costs and providing clients with complete and thorough data evaluations. Dr. Kasenow's practical application techniques have allowed my firm to complete thorough data evaluations at lower costs. Once one uses Dr. Kasenow's data evaluation programs, you are left with the feeling of 'why did I waste my time with other programs?" --- Mark. B. Sweatman, CPG, President, Insight Environmental Services, Inc.

AquiferTest for Windows
[top] ~ Student version 2.54, by Thomas Röhrich and Waterloo Hydrogeologic Inc. This is a fully functional version that includes the three most commonly used pumping test analysis methods (Theis, Cooper-Jacob and Neuman) and allows a maximum of 25 data points. The student version of AT allows the user to create new files, save all files and print all data and results to any printer or plotter supported by Windows.


Chapter 1 - INTRODUCTION: Water <<>> Water Use <<>> Properties Of Water <<>> Hydrogeologic Cycle <<>> Water Classification <<>> Specific Conductance And PH <<>> Hydrogeology <<>> Historical Development <<>> Units <<>> Unit Conversions <<>> Elementary Statistics <<>> Problems

Chapter 2 - AQUIFER BASICS: Aquifers <<>> Ground-Water Basics <<>> Aquifer Classification By Function <<>> Aquifers And Environmental Problems <<>> Problems

Chapter 3 - CONFINED, UNCONFINED, KARST AND FRACTURED ROCK AQUIFERS: Types Of Confined Aquifers <<>> Types Of Unconfined Aquifers <<>> Karst Aquifers <<>> Fractured Rock Aquifers

Chapter 4 - GROUND-WATER STORAGE: The Ideal Aquifer <<>> Homogeneity And Isotropy <<>> Porosity <<>> Effective Porosity <<>> Specific Yield <<>> Measuring Porosity And Specific Yield <<>> Example 4.1 <<>> Example 4.2 <<>> Example 4.3 <<>> 4.7 The Storage Coefficient <<>> 4.8 Storage In Elastic Confined Aquifers <<>> Utilizing The Storage Coefficient <<>> Example 4.4 <<>> Example 4.5 <<>> Example 4.6 <<>> Example 4.7 <<>> Example 4.8 <<>> Example 4.9 <<>> Example 4.10 <<>> Example 4.11 <<>> Summary Of The Storage Definitions <<>> Storage In Nonelastic Confined Aquifers <<>> Example 4.12 <<>> Example 4.13 <<>> Estimating The Storage Coefficient <<>> Example 4.14 <<>> Double Porosity <<>> Fractured Rock Properties <<>> Problems

Chapter 5 - HYDRAULIC HEAD AND GROUND-WATER FLOW: Forces, Pressure, Energy And Ground Water <<>> Hydraulic Head <<>> Change In Head <<>> Potentials And Ground-Water Flow <<>> Equipotentials And Boundary Conditions <<>> Equipotentials And Stratification <<>> Flowing Wells <<>> The Hydraulic Gradient <<>> Mapping Ground-Water Flow <<>> Flow Nets <<>> Example 6.1 <<>> Example 6.1 <<>> Example 6.1 <<>> The Water Table <<>> Water Table Fluctuations

Chapter 6 - DARCY'S LAW AND HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY: Darcy's Law <<>> Hydraulic Conductivity <<>> Transmissivity <<>> Classification Of Transmissivity <<>> Example 6.1 <<>> Gallons Per Day Per Foot (Gpd / Ft) <<>> Validity Of Darcy's Law <<>> Darcy's Law And Other Physical Concepts <<>> Utilizing Darcy's Law <<>> Example 6.2 <<>> Example 6.3 <<>> Example 6.4 <<>> Example 6.5 <<>> Dupuit Assumptions <<>> Example 6.6 <<>> Ground-Water Velocity <<>> Example 6.7 <<>> Scale <<>> Hydraulic Conductivity Of Fractured Rock <<>> Saturated Flow And Dispersion <<>> Example 6.8 <<>> Ground-Water Contamination <<>> Problems

Chapter 7 - FLOW IN THE UNSATURATED ZONE: Soil Moisture <<>> Example 7.1 <<>> Capillary Fringe <<>> Example 7.2 <<>> Unsaturated Flow And Darcy's Law <<>> Example 7.3 <<>> Problems

Chapter 8 - GROUND-WATER RECHARGE AND DISCHARGE: Rejected Recharge <<>> Seepage To And From Streams <<>> Lakes And Wetlands <<>> Ground-Water Interaction Between Lakes And Wetlands <<>> Wetlands <<>> Novitzki's Wetland Classification <<>> Plants As Indicators <<>> Potentiometric Surface As An Indicator <<>> Ground-Water Temperature <<>> Equipotentials As Indicators <<>> Springs <<>> Problems

Chapter 9 - GROUND-WATER STEADY FLOW PROBLEMS: Steady Flow In A Confined Aquifer <<>> Example 9.1 <<>> Example 9.2 <<>> Example 9.3 <<>> Example 9.4 <<>> Steady Flow In An Unconfined Aquifer <<>> Example 9.5 <<>> Example 9.6 <<>> Example 9.7 <<>> Unconfined Flow Affected By Infiltration <<>> Example 9.8 <<>> Example 9.9 <<>> Example 9.10 <<>> Example 9.11 <<>> Problems

Chapter 10 - COASTAL AND ISLAND AQUIFERS: Point-Water Head <<>> Example 10.1 <<>> Example 10.2 <<>> Coastal Aquifers <<>> Example 10.3 <<>> Island Aquifers <<>> Example 10.4 <<>> Example 10.5 <<>> Tidal Activity <<>> Example 10.6 <<>> Example 10.7 <<>> Problems

Chapter 11 - PUMPING TEST BASICS: Stressing The System <<>> Observation Of Ground Water <<>> Drawdown <<>> Drawdown Due To Dewatering <<>> Partial Penetration <<>> Drawdown And Ground-Water Boundaries <<>> The Cone Of Depression <<>> Ground-Water Flow Conditions <<>> Capture Zones <<>> Ground-Water Velocity And The Cone Of Depression <<>> Characteristics Of Capture Zones <<>> Example 11.1 <<>> Example 11.2 <<>> Example 11.3 <<>> Graphs And Tables <<>> Duration Of Tests And Data Collection <<>> Problems

Chapter 12 - AQUIFER TESTS: CONFINED AQUIFERS: The Theis Solution <<>> Theis Time-Drawdown Method <<>> Example 12.1 The Theis Time-Drawdown Solution (Metric). <<>> Example 12.2 The Theis Time-Drawdown Solution (English). <<>> Theis Distance-Drawdown Method <<>> Example 12.3 <<>> Relationship Between µ And W(µ) <<>> Utilizing The Theis Solution <<>> Example 12.4 <<>> Example 12.5 <<>> Example 12.6 <<>> Example 12.7 <<>> Example 12.8 <<>> The Cooper-Jacob Solution <<>> Utilizing The Cooper-Jacob Solution <<>> Example 12.9 <<>> Example 12.10 <<>> Example 12.11 <<>> Example 12.12 <<>> Example 12.13 <<>> Example 12.14 <<>> Sheahan's Original Z(µ) Equation <<>> Z(µ) Applications For Pumping Test Analysis <<>> Improving Z(µ): Eliminating The Limitations. <<>> Z(µ) Time-Drawdown Graphical Application <<>> Example 12.15 <<>> Z(µ) Distance-Drawdown Graphical Application <<>> Variability In Transmissivity And Storage <<>> Problems

Chapter 13 - REGRESSION ANALYSIS: Cooper-Jacob Solution Revisited <<>> Linear Regression Analysis <<>> Linear Regression Analysis Notation <<>> The Error Tolerance <<>> The Z(µ) Table <<>> Example Problem 13.1 <<>> Historical Aquifer Test Results For Specific µ Values <<>> Example Problem 13.2 <<>> Example Problem 13.3 <<>> Example Problem 13.4 <<>> Problems


Chapter 14 - AQUIFER TESTS: Leaky Confined And Unconfined Aquifers: Analysis Of Leaky Confined Aquifers <<>> Leaky Confined Aquifer With Storage In The Confining Layer <<>> Leaky Confined Aquifer With No Storage In The Confining Layer <<>> Example 14.1 <<>> Case 2 Alternative Solution: Hantush Inflection Point Method <<>> Example 14.2 <<>> Pseudo Leaky Conditions <<>> Water Table Aquifers With No Delayed Yield <<>> Predicting Drawdown Due To Dewatering <<>> Example 14.3 <<>> Example 14.4 <<>> Water Table Aquifers With Delayed Yield <<>> Example 14.5 <<>> Problems

Chapter 15 - GROUND-WATER RECOVERY METHODS: Recovery Methods <<>> Recovery Analysis: Theory <<>> Residual Drawdown Graph Solution <<>> Time-Recovery Graph Method <<>> Estimating The Storage Coefficient From Recovery Data <<>> Bruin And Hudson Solution <<>> Usdi Equation <<>> Example 15.1 <<>> Kasenow's Solution <<>> Example 15.2 <<>> Kasenow - USDI Method <<>> Example 15.3 <<>> Limitations Of The Storage Methods <<>> Calculating The (S / So) Ratio <<>> Problems

Chapter 16 - VARIABLE PUMPING RATE SOLUTIONS: Birsoy And Summers Variable Pumping Rate Solution <<>> Example 16.1 <<>> Variable Discharge Recovery Test <<>> Kawecki's Method <<>> Example 16.2 <<>> Problems

Chapter 17 - STEADY-STATE METHODS: The Theim Solution <<>> Example 17.1 <<>> The Transient Nature Of The Theim Equations <<>> Leaky Confined Aquifers <<>> Example 17.2 <<>> Problems

Chapter 18 - BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: Hydrogeologic Boundaries <<>> Image Well Theory <<>> Step By Step Graphical Solution <<>> Hantush's Solution For A Recharge Boundary <<>> Example 18.1 <<>> Estimating Drawdown Using Image Well Theory <<>> Example 18.2 <<>> Recharge From The Stream To The Aquifer <<>> Example 18.3 <<>> Example 18.4 <<>> Discharge From The Aquifer To The Stream <<>> Estimating Transmissivity Using Stream Discharge <<>> Estimating Transmissivity Under Barrier Boundary Conditions <<>> Problems

Chapter 19 - STEP-DRAWDOWN ANALYSIS: Introduction <<>> Well Loss Coefficient <<>> Step-Drawdown Test: Jacob Solution <<>> Example 19.1: The Jacob Step-Test Solution <<>> Example 19.2: The Jacob Step-Test Solution <<>> Step-Drawdown Test: Kasenow's Solution <<>> Example 19.3: The Kasenow Step-Test Solution <<>> The Jacob-Kasenow Step-Test Solution <<>> Example 19.4: The Jacob-Kasenow Step-Test Solution <<>> Step-Drawdown Test: Bierschenk's Multiple Pumping Rate Solution <<>> Example 19.5: The Bierschenk Graphical Step-Test Solution <<>> Bierschenk's Method Using Regression Analysis <<>> Example 19.6: The Linear Regression Step-Test Solution <<>> Comparing Bierschenk And Kasenow Solutions <<>> Determining Coefficients C And B Without A Step-Drawdown Test <<>> Example 19.7: Determining Coefficients C And B Without A Step- Drawdown Test #1 <<>> Example 19.8: Determining Coefficients C And B Without A Step- Drawdown Test #2 <<>> Other Methods To Determine Sa <<>> Example 19.9: Determining Sa Using The Theis Solution <<>> Planning A Step-Drawdown Test <<>> Problem Indicators <<>> Drawdown And The Production Well <<>> The Skin Factor <<>> Application Of The B Coefficient: The Effective Well Radius <<>> Example 19.10: Estimating The Effective Well Radius <<>> Coefficients B And C Are Not Constant <<>> Estimating Transmissivity Using Step-Test Data <<>> Cooper-Jacob Equation <<>> Z(µ) Solution <<>> Ogden's Method <<>> Simplified Specific Capacity Equations <<>> Example 19.11: When Well Loss Is Negligible <<>> Example 19.12: Using The Simplified Specific Capacity Equation: <<>> Example 19.13: Using Ogden's Solution: <<>> Example 19.14: Using The Cooper - Jacob Graphical Method <<>> Example 19.15: Using Sheahan's Z(µ) Equation And Kasenow's Z(U) Tables <<>> Example 19.16: When Well Loss Is Not Negligible <<>> Step-Test Tables For Transmissivity <<>> Example 19.17: Using The Step-Test Tables <<>> Problems

Chapter 20 - PRODUCTION WELL ANALYSIS: Introduction <<>> Well Efficiency <<>> Example 20.1 <<>> Example 20.2 <<>> Adjusting Drawdown For Well Efficiency <<>> Specific Capacity Equations <<>> Example 20.3 <<>> Correcting For Dewatering Around A Pumping Well In A Water Table Aquifer <<>> Example 20.4 <<>> Razack And Huntley Equation <<>> Estimating Transmissivity From Specific Capacity Using Meyer's Graph <<>> Specific Capacity Tables <<>> Example 20.5 <<>> Kasenow's Solution <<>> Example 20.6 <<>> Developing A Specific Capacity Equation <<>> Partial Penetration <<>> Example 20.7 <<>> Predicting Pumping Well Discharge <<>> Example 20.8 <<>> Example 20.9 <<>> Recovery Method After A Pumping Test <<>> Example 20.10 <<>> Casing Storage <<>> Example 20.11 <<>> Example 20.12 <<>> Problems

Chapter 21 - COST EFFECTIVE METHODS: Alternatives To An Aquifer Test <<>> Permeameters <<>> Example 21.1 <<>> Example 21.2 <<>> Grain-Size Analysis <<>> Example 21.3 <<>> Estimating Permeability Using Grain-Size Analysis <<>> Example 21.4 <<>> Example 21.5 <<>> Example 21.6 <<>> Example 21.7 <<>> Rose And Smith Graphical Solution <<>> Slug And Bail-Down Tests <<>> Example 21.8 <<>> Example 21.9 <<>> Bouwer And Rice Method <<>> Example 21.10 <<>> Problems

Chapter 22 - WELL FIELD ANALYSIS: Predicting Future Drawdowns <<>> Example 22.1 <<>> Well Interference <<>> Example 22.2 <<>> Well Interference And Variable Discharge <<>> Example 22.3 <<>> Well Interference And Unconfined Aquifers <<>> Example 22.4 <<>> Example 22.5 <<>> Well Field Design <<>> Example 22.6 <<>> Problems

APPENDIX A - THEISIAN TABLES OF µ, W(µ), µW(µ) and Z(µ) (Kasenow, 1995, 2000)
APPENDIX B - VALUES OF x, EXP(x), Ko(x) and EXP(x)Ko(x) (Hantush, 1956)
APPENDIX C - VALUES OF b, µi, M(µi,b) AND (b) (Hantush, 1959)
Theis Equations For Various Units <<>> Cooper - Jacob Time - Drawdown Equations For Various Units <<>> Cooper - Jacob Distance - Drawdown Equations For Various Units <<>> Recovery Equations For Various Units


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